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Tips for a Healthy Smile in 2024

healthy smile, 2024, smiling couple celebrating

With the holidays gone, many are looking to the year ahead and preparing for what’s next. At Corvallis Dental Group, we want to help you keep a bright and healthy smile at the top of your to-do list. Here are our top three tips to help you ring in the new year with a healthy smile!

  • See Your Dentist!

    If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while or just need your semi-annual checkup, now’s the perfect time to get scheduled for a visit. Your dentist will give you a comprehensive exam and check for any signs of cavities, gum disease, bad breath, or other oral health issues.

    A thorough, post-holiday cleaning prepares your smile ready for the new year. Your dentist removes plaque, tartar buildup, and stains from your teeth that brushing and flossing can’t.

  • At-Home Oral Care

    Keeping a consistent oral hygiene routine at home significantly impacts your oral health between cleanings. Brushing at least twice daily with a soft toothbrush helps keep cavity-causing bacteria at bay. Flossing every day and preferably between meals is another necessary preventive step. Follow up with an antibacterial mouthwash to fight bacteria even more.

  • Hydrate

    Hydration is a key part of saliva production. Saliva helps to wash away bacteria and neutralize acids that could cause damage and cavities to your teeth. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your hydration levels high. You can also opt for teas in moderation, but be cautious of sugar and dark brews that can damage or stain teeth.

Comprehensive Dental Care in Corvallis, Oregon!

Whether for the new year, a new you era, or just keeping up with your regular consistency, now is the perfect time to stop in for a visit to your dentist. At Corvallis Dental Group, we’re happy to welcome new and returning patients with equal compassion and no judgment. Call us today to schedule your appointment and let us help you achieve a healthy smile!

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